PDX Streetstyle
Streetstyle in Portland?
"Keep Portland Weird"
Now that phrase has many to believe that you will see a quirky fashion sense all around Portland. In all honesty, it is true. If you are walking around Downtown Portland like I did, you will certainly see very bold outfits upholding the weird in Portland but you will be delighted to see the emerging fashion scene sprouting all around. Portland is home to many Project Runway contestants so it is no surprise that Portlanders are showing their unique styles.
For a start, streetstyle is a genre that gained popularity through fashion bloggers and fashion enthusiasts from all around the world. It is a fashion genre that not only follows but creates chic trends. Streetstyle utilizes current and future trends in an unexpected but delicate style that has a mass appeal. It is accessible for every fashion enthusiast with a cult like following.
Now lets shine the spotlight on some Portlanders for their chic and stylish outfits!

Till next time,
Rei Rei
All images were captured for nguyeninCHIC by Rei Rei Nguyen